
Bink & Rosenfeld are Susan Bink (NL, fine arts) and Susi Rosenfeld (DE, dance).
We play with movement/dance, improvisation/performance and objects/materials in diverse locations like an art exhibition, a theater, a classroom, or public space.
We like to work with mixed groups with a variety of backgrounds. How can we create a space where everyone can join in an own way and where we can create art together?
We always start with the body. With the senses, experiential anatomy and everyday movement.
We explore how we sense a place. How we like to move in them and how to play with norms and expectations.
You can find us on the streets in Utrecht walking, watching, playing, performing.
Since 2020 we have been working together, for instance in projects with Het Wilde Westen (Utrecht), Studio Moio (Leiden), NIET NORMAAL (exhibition Come Alive), Museum de Lakenhal (exhibition Imagine Intuition), Willem de Koning Academie (Rotterdam) and ArtEZ (Hogeschool voor de kunsten Arnhem), Musician 3.0 (HKU Utrecht) en het Ubuntuhuis.
Susan Bink (NL) The sculptures and installations I make and the performances I do arise from a curiosity about what I encounter. With my visual work I am looking for forms of movement, among other things. What if you found, made or designed something? How can that move in daily life and in public space? How can we unjoin competition and play with instructions? The longer I look and wander, the more I discover that in my not-knowing, in between everything, my wonder can grow, without an imposed rhythm.
Susi Rosenfeld (D) Dancer, choreographer and artist educator in Utrecht (NL).
For around 25 years I have been working with experiential anatomy like Feldenkrais and Body-Mind Centering and with dance improvisation and performance art.
I like to work with diverse groups and artists from other disciplines. I am curious to find entrances to move with others and to develope a common languages by dancing together.
Starting with the body and the senses, playing with every day movement, loops, jumps and enjoying the movement.

Anna Halprin
Yoko Ono
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